
Serving New York City & Tri-State Area

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, but fortunately it’s progression can be stopped or slowed in many cases. It is a group of conditions that damage the eye’s optic nerve resulting in a loss of peripheral vision. We treat glaucoma or it’s major risk factor by controlling eye pressure either with medications, laser, or surgery. Most glaucoma has a slow, insidious onset, and patients often do not realize they have it until its damage has been done. Dr. Moskowitz is skilled at diagnosing and treating this condition.

The two types of Glaucoma are Open-angle Glaucoma, and Angle-closure Glaucoma. Both are caused by an increase of intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure inside the eye.

Open-angle Glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. At first, open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms, causes no pain, and you may not notice any loss of sight for many years. Increased eye pressure is caused by the slow blockage of the drainage canals. Without treatment; people with Open-angle glaucoma will slowly lose their peripheral (side) vision. Gradually central vision may decrease until no vision remains. If caught early and treated, this type of Glaucoma responds well to a regimen of medications.

Angle-closure Glaucoma has a very sudden onset, often causing severe pain and severe vision loss. Fortunately, it is very rare and in most cases preventable. It occurs when the drainage area of the eye, between the cornea and iris becomes too narrow or closed. A laser procedure called an iridotomy can be done to prevent angle closure. People who are far-sighted and women, particularly Asian, are at higher risk for this kind of glaucoma and can often benefit from this preventive procedure.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment can involve medication, laser, or surgery depending on the severity of the condition. Eye drops with medication aimed at lowering IOP usually are tried first to control glaucoma.

Because glaucoma often is painless, people may become careless about committed use of eye drops that can control eye pressure and help prevent permanent eye damage.

Surgical Options – New technologies are emerging for glaucoma surgery and at Moskowitz Eye Care, we are focused on giving our patients the most up to date procedures to treat glaucoma. Some of the types of surgical procedures used are:

  • Laser Iridotomy – In this office procedure, a Laser using a very focused beam of light is used to create a hole on the rim of the iris (colored part of the eye) to help decrease pressure in the eye.

  • Laser Trabeculoplasty – Another office procedure where a laser can be used to increase the outflow of fluid from the drainage angle of the eye, thus decreasing eye pressure.

  • Trabeculectomy – Surgical treatments include removal of a small portion of the drainage angle of the eye allowing an increase of aqueous drainage and thereby lowering the pressure.

  • Valve Implant – For advanced glaucoma, a small tube is placed in the eye to help increase the outflow of fluid and control the pressure of glaucoma.